The Diary

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New York, April 6th 1879.

April 6th Sunday.

Still cold but a fine day, work all day in the Store, listen at 4 P.M. to Rummels masterly playing at the Warerooms. At home in eve'g, play Skat with Ziegler, H. A. Cassebeer lose 68 Cents

April 7th Monday.

Busy all the morning, at 12 o'clock down town via Bleecker str. to Major Sauer place, drive in Carriage with Fr. Steins, Kühne & Kunnoth with the Aldermen to Hoboken, return with Capt. Schwensen who is presented at the Governors Room, Mayor Cooper speaks to him, Arion sings, very nice affair At German Sav'gs Bk in evening, at home by 9 P.M. when Dr. Chambers calls on me enquiring as to the responsibility of Arbuckle.

April 8th Tuesday.

Splendid day. Weber has a dirty Advt, regarding second hand Steinway pianos At 1 P.M. to Rathskeller, lunch with Ottendorfer, at 4½ P.M. with him to Minnie Hauk at N. Y. Hotel. In eve'g Mr. Keller sen + jr with Fr. Steins to supper. We have a glorious "Geselliger Abend" with Wilhelmj, Rummel  Vogrich Korbay, Dulcken & Graff at L.K. I do not get home until 2¼ A.M. Immense attendance & greatest satisfaction and enthusiasm

April 9th Wed.

Downtown to Rathskeller with Paul Becker take elevated Road from Chatham Sq. to 89th str. to Astoria see Titus & Johnson, Assessors for St. Ave. have rather exciting debate with them. Return via 34th street. Party in eveg, play Skat with Tretbar & Ch. St. Win 38 Cents. Ziegler had his last auction today
