The Diary

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New York, May 27th 1879


Home in eve'g, Theodore & Fritz St spend eve'g with me, also Dulcken, who will start for California the next morning.

May 28th Wed.

Feel now perfectly well. To store early. At 12 to factory, lunch with Theo. & Mr. Benjamin, and with the latter, Fritz St & Henry Ziegler drive to Astoria it is beautiful over there. Return home by Elevated Road, play Skat in eve'g with Geo. Kreischer and H. A. Cassebeer, jr. win 15 Cents

May 29th Thursday.

My right foot affected, under outside ancle, to Store with green Car. Stetson reports his experience at Albany yesterday, Governor Robinson having promised to act on the Bridge Charter before June 1st next. Mr. Guild of Boston calls looks at Patent, admits that he infringes, and promises that he will stop it. Lunch with Stetson and Harbuckel at U. Sq. Hotel, Theodor with me at Supper & afterwards, Paula to Strawberry festival Bam with Cassebeer to Coney Island

May 30th friday.

Decoration and holiday, feel quite well lunch at U. Sq. Hotel, Have a diarrhoe, in afternoon Williamson, Clerk of the Steinway Improvement Com. calls & we go over the assessment together find that we are not assessed for other peoples improvement or grading. I work til 6 P.M. Home in eve'g, Theodor spending eveg. with me. Graham telegraphs me that the Governor has signed the Long Island & N. Y. Bridge bill

May 31st