The Diary

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New York, June 12th 1879.

June 12th Thursday.

Moving to Astoria. noon to Bleecker str. lunch at U. Sq. Hotel. Sleep at Astoria over night, spent evening at Luthers

June 13th friday.

At Rikers, drawing up objections to the proposed Steinway Ave. assessments, and hand sworn affidavit and that of Mr. Purdy to the Clerk, Williamson at Astoria. Lunch with Theodore at Rathskeller at noon, home to Store by 4th & 3d Ave. Car. To Astoria with Georgie by boat from 23d str. Write letters in eve'g.

June 14th Sat.

Weather delightful. To City via elevated Road, reaching store at 8.35 AM. Busy all day. By boat at 4 P.M. from 23d street. Count Dehnhoff & Theodore there. I attend Meeting of Steinway Ave. Commißioners obtain resolution giving us 5 and 10 years time to complete our work

June 15th Sunday.

Whole family together, Play Skat with H. A. Cassebeer & H. St. win 36 Cts

June 16th Monday.

To town with George by elevated Road. Lunch at U. Sq. Hotel. Business fair, growing short in Square pianos by boat with George & Chas. St. from 23d str. meet Theodore on board. Cool and pleasant weather In eveg, Luke Kouwenhoven & D. S. Riker call, we open Church bids and, find McBride lowest viz $1345.