The Diary

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New York, July 10th 1879.

July 10th Thursday.

Beautiful clear day, to town with Theo, H. Cassebeer & Fritz St. Albert Weber out in the papers with a card denying that business is to be discontinued. Lunch at U. Sq. Hotel. Mrs. Rassiga calls, asking if property has yet been sold. Georgie's voice has been changing within the past few weeks affording us all much amusement, at 4.40 P.M. with Theo. from factory to Astoria through Central Park. In eve'g, look over specification & plans with Theo. and McBride

July 11th friday.

Still slight spot on left instep of right foot, drive to City with Theo. Paula and Mrs. Cassebeer and children. Via elevated RR to Steinway Hall Telegram from Stetson at San Francisco that Gray's Condition is very bad, and that he has no money to meet his notes due July 12th and 19th, to 3d & 3 Ave Cars to Theodors house, drive in Carriage to Astoria with Lizzie Cassebeer & children and little Hermann Schmidt, take a bath with George

July 12th sat.

George diarrhoe & vomits, to town early, alone, very busy. C. Meiners calls, I tell him to call again by 4 P.M At 12 o'clock, Theo & I and the 4 boys & H. Cassebeer lunch at U. Sq. Hotel, then cross to Steamer General Werder, and see off Theo. and Ziegler and wife, Dr. Schnetter also goes To Astoria in eve'g, look over & sign Original & Copy of plans with McBride. Took splendid swim bath St + Sons Resolution to build factory & foundry, Board of Trustee Meeting, C. St. present