The Diary

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New York, August 3d 1879.

Aug. 3d Sunday.

Intensely hot all day. Take Swimbath and remain ¾ hours in the water. Fr. Steins and wife spend day with us, also Conrad Rühl in eve'g play Skat with him and H. A. Cassebeer, lose 93 Cents

Aug 4th Monday.

To town early via L. Road, it is not quite so hot, to Rathskeller, pr. L. Road to 53d str. factory give various orders to Hobein & Sommer, with H. St. in buggy to Astoria, take swimbath, rainstorm in eveg with the others, at Luther.

Aug 5th Tuesday.

Find touch on outside edge of right foot, call at Astoria factory first, then H. St. drives me through Central Park to 14th str. Heat more moderate, drive to L.K. at 8 P.M. preside at meeting which is largely attended. New Music Trade Journal is out with illustration of Freund as "Pinafore" Captain. Drive home from LK

Aug 6th Wed.

My foot much better, can wear hard shoe without trouble. Drive to Store early, lunch with Blasius & Son at U. Sq. Hotel. At 4 25 to Astoria via 23d street. McBride tells me he had to pay $7. pr M for Brick and they are rapidly rising in price. Also conclude to put in 25 foot beams in to Centre of Wall at its lower end. In eve'g look over our new printed Rent agrt

Aug 7th Thursday.

Cooler; to town via L. Road. Business is growing much better, Thermometer 77 degrees against 85-90 of the previous days. Down town Chath Sq. L. Road to factory, meet Harris, by 4th Ave. Car to L.K. preside at Vorstandssitzung, afterwards at Beethoven Hall.