The Diary

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New York, Septbr 3d 1879.

Septbr 3d Wed.

Rainstorm all day. Write Theo. with todays & tomorrows steamer to London. Lunch at U. Sq. Hotel. To Astoria at 4 P.M. via 23rd street, order Luther to stop making Style H. legs having made up my mind to abolish them Play Skat in eve'g with C. St. & H. A. Cassebeer lose 39 Cents

Septbr 4th Thursday.

Fog & rain. With Henry Ziegler in buggy to elevated Road. Business continues quite good. Otto Sutro in town, selects a stock of Steinway pianos. Henry Cassebeer with his family moves into town. Lovely weather in the afternoon. I have my toenails attended to by Dr. Westervelts assistant. Maxwell telegraphs £500. Take Supper at L.K. At Bd. of Trustee Meeting, + Vorstandssitzung. Make Programm for the Season 1879-80. Home at 12 o'clock. Hertwig tells me his troubles, through an old Judgement against him. I promise to bail him in case of trouble

Septbr 5th friday.

After a refreshing shower bath go to Store early. Weather lovely. Lunch with Chas. St. at U. Sq. Hotel. Delegation of our Action makers call & complain about reductions having been announced I start by L. Road see Sommer & reprimand him for his rashness in doing so without any previous consultation with me. Through Central Park to Astoria, long timbers said to have partly arrived at Hoboken. Read in evening.