The Diary

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New York, Septbr 10th 1879.

Septbr 10th Wed.

Lovely cool day. To store early, Mrs. Evers to U. Sq. Hotel with George + Paula & we dine there, thence to W. 22d str. by steamer to Iron Pier Coney Island, Paula sea sick, we go up the elevator, to Brighton, see the fat Woman and the Midgets, are weighed, George 101 # Paula 97 #. I weigh 211 # Lunch at 5 P.M. at Manhattan Beach, on arrival at Greenpoint race through the streets, catch the Harlem boat, meet Stein at Astoria, drive home, Tretbar + wife at Luther.

Septbr 11th Thursday.

A perfect pandemonium all day, To Rathskeller, in the forenoon to Burt, asking him to foreclose our Judgement agt Meiners, do not find Burt. By L. Road to factory which I find partly stopped, the Casemakers, Machine Men & Blockers not working. Meet delegation of our workmen who demand 10 pr. Ct. more wages and blockers and Machine Men 15 pr.Ct. After lengthy conversation I agree to allow them an average advance of 10 pr. Ct. to be at once deducted again if the trade cannot stand it. Telegraph Theodore in the morning "Kroeger starting Rent business, Cassebeer splendid boy, workmen demand fifteen percent" To Astoria via 92d str. Acquaint Luther with strike, with the boys spend eveg at Luthers and arrange rise up to 10% for Astoria. During forenoon with 4th Ave. cars + 3rd Ave. cars past the new Thalia Theatre.

||             Theodore Cassebeer was born Sep. 9th! TES