The Diary

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New York, Oct 3d 1879.

Octbr 3d friday.

Very warm, lunch with Theodor then drive to Astoria, make contract with Philips for "fore heater" and connections between Engine & boiler, also settle location of drain and position of fence. Return by L. road from 53d street, play 66 with Ch. St game even

Octbr. 4th sat.

fine warm day, to store early, awful rush of people & trouble, so that I can barely breathe. Lunch at U. Sq. Hotel. Hinsdale calls on me in relation to the Blackwells Island Bridge. Chas. Schlegel, our office boy, has been this day discharged for dishonesty. Home in eve'g. Action maker F. Koth calls at my house, in relation to starting Action making for us at Astoria. Make appointment with him for 3½ P.M. tomorrow. Retire at 10 P.M. Sleep well. Mrs. Evers with George + Paula to Thalia Theatre to Matinee "Doctor Klaus" foreman Friedrichs dischgd

Octbr 5th Sunday.

Lovely day, though warm. Feel perfectly well. To store early. Uptown in afternoon & eve'g play Skat with Cassebeer, Held & Ch. St. lose 35 Cents, return by L. Road with my children. In afternoon F. Koth calls with his two sons, we go through factory with him, viz. Action shop.

Oct 6th Monday.

Excessively busy. Our wholesale trade is falling off badly. At noon from 9th str. station on L. road to 53d str. eat lunch at Theodores, with him & Koth to Astoria, return by L. road. To German Savings bank, then with Wiebusch to Opening Concert of Steinway Hall, Theodor Thomas + Rummel.