The Diary

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New York, Octbr 19th 1879.

Octbr 19th Sunday.

Feel splendid. To Store at 9 A.M. Pleasant weather, work in Store til 1 P.M. at 3 P.M. call on Dr. Damrosch, then to Theo. take Supper with Louisa A. St. play Skat with H. A. Cassebeer & Ch. St. win $1.15. Home with Children by L. Road at 11 PM

Octbr 20th Monday.

Lovely cool weather. By Bdway Cars down town lunch at Rathskeller, Ottendorfer still sick, call at Quimby, is not in. Leave our Grand Action Patent of 1875 there. To store by L. road, (6th Ave.). meet young Haines on the way, take Supper with Theo. at my house we then

Oct 21st

proceed to Astoria. Theo orders boilers to be set lower. factory being tinned by Fischer. F. Koth and one man moved over there yesterday Last night with Theo & his wife to Germania Theatre, Harun al Raschid afterwards at Thies. Met Decker Bros there. This Tuesday A.M. by Bdway cars & 6th Ave. L road to 115 Bdway, Ernest Hall. In eve'g to L.K. sing, home by 12 oclock. My children to Harun al Raschid with Ch. St. & Mrs. Evers.

Oct 22d Wed.

Business very good, both Retail & wholesale Lunch with C. St & Steinert at U. Sq. Hotel. All the family at my house, also David Decker & Mrs. Dingeldein who plays splendidly. Play Skat with H. St. Cassebeer & C. St. lose 43 Cents. Marriage of A. S. Nicholson to George W. Cook by Rev. Dr. Morgan

Oct 23d Thursday.

very busy. lunch with Theo. St. with him, Mrs. Th. & Albt to Astoria Luther & I earnest Conversation, said he will leave, re-considers however. Spend ev'g with Theo & Louise. Keller tunes on trial Accept George H. Smith estimate at $800. building factory sewer