The Diary

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New York, Novbr. 6th 1879.

Novbr 6th Thursday.

Business very heavy, demand for Grands unprecedented. By Bdway Cars to Rathskeller, lunch there, H. St. & Luther there. Afterwards to Registers Office, Mack not there, at 5½ P.M. with Children, Mrs. Evers & Ch. St. in Carriage to 121 E. 52d str. Theodors 54th birthday, very jolly party Theo. & I make speeches, home at 11½ P.M. Theo. tells me that the Action makers revolted agt F. Koth.

Novbr 7th Friday.

Lovely day. Swear to my complaint against Dr. Charles Ferchland, lunch with Theo. & with him, Mrs. Evers and Julia Schmidt to Astoria, drink Coffee at Luthers. Home by L road at 8 P.M. by L. Road To Thalia Theatre, see Cadet having invited Damrosch, Reno, Tretbars & Krüsi See Judas there too. Home by L. road at 11½ PM

Novbr. 8th sat.

Business very good. Blasius, Wander, & J. P. Weiss in town. Uptown at noon, Pea Soup & Schweinknöchel Theodore to Astoria, in eve'g at Concert of Damroschs Symphony, quite nice, afterwards at Thies. Before Concert play 66 with Ch. St. win 50 Cts

Novbr 9th Sunday.

To store, work til 1 P.M. dictating letters to Sigel. In afternoon up town, see Theo. in pattern room, take supper at Louises Play Skat with Theo. Ch. St. & Cassebeer, lose 69 Cents

Novbr 10th Monday.

Beautiful day. Excessively busy all forenoon, lunch with Ch. St. & Ludwig Dingeldein at U. Sq. Hotel. Theo. takes supper with me, we walk to Phaffs talking relating to Louisa A. St. Fr. von Bodenstedt & Moritz there. Pleasant eve'g. Home at 1 AM