The Diary

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New York, Novbr. 25th 1879.

Novbr 25th Tuesday.

Fine day. Paid all our Taxes today Business splendid. After having been down t. with Bdway cars, lunch at U. Sq. Hotel with Ch. St. In evg "Geselliger Abend" at L.K. which turns out to be a glorious success,, Mills, Rummel, Sherwood play, Conrad Behrens, Fr. Steins, Graff & Binswanger sing Arnold Violin Solo, De Leauhodney Cithera Solo Home at 1 AM, glad that the three past days have been overcome.

Novbr 26th Wed.

A little stiffness in my feet, but feel well otherwise. Lunch with Theo. at noon. To Astoria with him Splendid weather. Stonework of new Drying rooms commencing to rise. Home by L. road, retire at 10 P.M. and sleep splendidly all night

Novbr 27th Thursday.

Thanksgiving day. Beautiful weather work at store all day, lunching at U. Sq. Hotel. Get up our Adts in German & English, whole family at my house in eve'g to supper. Afterwards play Skat with Theo. C. St. H. A. Cassebeer jr. win $1.79


Novbr 28th friday.

Raining, feel perfectly well. H. A. Cassebeer calls, wants to borrow more money, which I flatly refuse, he tells me that he will have to make an assignment. At 5 P.M. uptown, tell Theo. about the Cassebeer matter, also the trouble about Zieglers house 762 Madison Ave. having to have new sewer. Also have conversation with Louisa, with whom I take supper. Play Skat with Geo. Kreischer and Theodore, lose 21 Cents. Home in Rain
