The Diary

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New York, Decbr 23d 1879.

Decbr 23d Tuesday.

Slushy dark day, lunch at Rathskeller, then to Cotterills Office, Vandyke case before Referee Erbe, Vandyke continues his infamous lies. Wilcoxs assistant conducts direct examination. Judge Spier granted order for a bill of particulars to be furnished by Vandyke. After supper to Store, draw Contract for Maxwell with Converse of the Burdett Organ Comp. & promise Rummel to Maurice Strakosch for Chicago, in January & telegraph to Maxwell To L.K. sing & preside at Mask Session

Decbr 24th Wed.

Rain, fog & smell from Hunters Point Excessively busy all day, delivering pianos lunch with Ch. St. at U. Sq. Hotel. At 5½ P.M. with Ch. Geo & P. St. in Carriage to Theodors house take supper there, see "Bescheerung", then to L. A. Sts house, home at 11¾ PM

Decbr 25th Thursday.

Furious Rainstorm, To store in forenoon. J. C. Freund sent bròche for Paula & breastpin for George--to my disgust. Work til 1 P.M. C + H. St. to dinner with me, give H. St. a good talking to on account of his non appearance last night, remain home the afternoon, the whole family, including Papa and Rieke Kreischer, 21 in number assemble at my house, nice dinner fine Bescheerung, give Mrs. Evers $50. all other women, also Paula & George $10 each. Very jolly, Hettie + Paula play Solo's & Duetto, Ella recites, all very nicely, we remain together til 11 PM, Snowstorm in eve'g
