The Diary

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New York, Decbr. 26th 1879.

Decbr 26th friday.

Clear cold day. Lunch at U. Sq. Hotel with Ch & Fr. St. Uptown in eveg, Theo. writes to Ranft in Dresden by Steamer Germania, I enclose card Photograph, home at 11 PM

Decbr 27th sat.

clear beautiful day, lunch uptown with George + Paula at Theodors, we all drive to Astoria, children spend afternoon at Luthers, Make Phillips & Callins agree to move Engine which is 5/16 inch out of Square. In eveg at Steinway Hall, splendid performance of of Haendels Messiah

McBride to lay flags in factory cellar at 16 Cents pr. foot

Decbr 28th sunday.

Fine clear day. Blumenthal pesters me again, wanting to give but $750 for grand C. Business has been quite good & money comes in very nicely. With Fr. St. to Witthaus, in relation to his boarding there. Take Supper at L. A. St. house spend eve'g with Theodore. Decide to build on 107 East 14th street this coming summer. Birthday of Julia Schmidt (25th) Play Skat with C. Held Ch. St. & H. A. Cassebeer, jr. lose 26 Cents

Decbr 29th Monday.

Beautiful clear & mild weather, at 12 o'clock downtown by Bdway cars, lunch with C. St. at U. Sq. Hotel, take a Russian Vaporbath in afternoon, Spend eve'g home.

Decbr 30th Tuesday.

Excessively busy all day, Mr. Dickerson, Webers Patent lawyer, comes in and buys a fancy black engraved Cabinet Grand for $1000. Fr. Steins supper at my house. At L.K. in ev'g