The Diary

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New York, Jan'y 1st 1880.

Jan'y 1st Thursday.

Bright beautiful day, trouble with the right hand heater in basement or rather cellar of my house, having filled with Water. Gave Robert New Years present of $10. to Store at 10 A.M. feel quite well. After dinner with George in Carriage to Christern see his family, meet Bodenstedt & Udo Brachvogel there, then drive past Reno's, George drops his card in, had also called on Lizzie Cassebeer, then stop at Damroschs, have pleasant chat with Mrs. and Frl. Marie, then to Mrs. L. A. St. and Theo. Home for supper, Fr. Steins calls & with him to Ottendorfers where we spend balance of the eve'g
George, height 5 feet 3¼ inches #
Paula," 5" 3 5/16 " #

Jan 2d friday,

Very busy all day, downtown via Bdway cars lunch at Rathskeller, call at Registers Office, Blauvelt certifies my satisfaction piece of Curry Mortgage call at Surrogates, County Clerks Office. Remain home in eve'g, writing letters & remittances to Europe.

Jan 3d sat.

beautiful day. lunch with Theodor, in afternoon drive to Astoria where we find everything in good shape. Home by L road at 6 P.M. Remain home in eve'g, reading. Chas. St. moves to Lizzie Cassebeer

Jan 4th sunday.

Nice day. To Store at 9 AM, work there til 1 P.M. Spend afternoon & eve'g discussing and finally fixing up new patent of Repetition Butt, and converging Screw Upright hangers. Play Skat with Theo. and Chas. St. lose 43 Cents, home at 11 PM