The Diary

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New York, Jan 5th 1880.

Jan 5th Monday.

Fine day. Meet Theo. at Quimbys, lunch at U. Sq. Hotel, Blasius in town, stops at my house over night, after going to Theatre "Rosenkranz & Güldenstern, with Mrs. E., Fr. St. & my children I am at German Savings Bk, then to Pfaffs 23d str. Abschiedsessen of Fred. Kapp, home at 1 A.M. drink Selters water

Jan'y 6th Tuesday.

Easterly rainstorm. To my gratification A. Bleecker Banks pays full amount of Interest today. At L.K. in eve'g preside at Mask Session, Blasius there, home with him at 11 PM.
Dep. G. S. Bk. $100 for Wm Candidus in trust for Wm Deppermann

Jan'y 7th Wed.

Uptown at lunch with Theo. drive with him to Astoria, beautiful day, the Carvers have just moved on the 3d floor of new factory, the plumbing work is all perfect. By L. road home, part of family at my house, play Skat with Theo. Chas. & Cassebeer win 39 Cents

Jan'y 8th Thursday.

Fine day. to Store early. Am greatly pestered about J. C. Freunds calls to get him money for notes to him, lunch at U. Sq. see Fuller at his office, back to Store by 2d Ave. car, Bullock from Michigan, have talk with him & refuse Detroit to him for the present. At L.K. in ev'g, Vorstandssitzung & Board of Trustee, Home at 12 o'clock

Jan'y 9th friday.

Tretbar calls at my house, excited tells me Freund collapsed & which is corroborated during the day. Lunch at U. Sq. Hotel

Jan 10th sat.

At Astoria in afternoon, at Pagenstecher in eve'g, sing Quartett with him, Wiebusch & Toussaint, am in splendid voice