The Diary

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New York, Jan'y 11th 1880.

Jan 11th Sunday.

Lovely day, At store in forenoon, meet Theo. & Architect W. Schickel there, with a view of building up 107 E. 14th str. Uptown in afternoon and eve'g, look over with Theo. Quimby draft of repetition butt & flanged hanger patent. In eve'g play Skat with Rühl, Ch. St. & Cassebeer, lose 88 Cents, having on friday ev'g at L. A. Steinways house won $110/100

Jan 12th Monday.

J. C. Freunds failure and disappearance generally known, the aspect grows worse hourly. With Ch. St. lunch at U. Sq. Hotel. Excessively busy all day, Settlement with Wm. McBride & other matters Home in eve'g, looking over Flushing & Riker Ave. matters, retire at 10 P.M. sleep well

Jan'y 13th Tuesday.

Snowstorm. Lunch at Rathskeller, Vandyke case postponed, explain to Hall about Riker Avenue and Steinway Ave Flushing Ave. bill. Theo. & Fr. Steins take supper with me. Geselliger Abend at L.K. Violinists Schmuehl Ed. Mollenhauer, Gramm, Pianists Klein, Dingeldein, Tretbar sings "Es blinkt der Thau," nicely Kraemer Hirsch in der Tanz Stunde. Home at 12 o'clock

Jan'y 14th Wed.

Lovely day, feel quite well. Papers all out with John C. Freunds escapades. Lunch at U. Sq. Hotel with Ch. St. Toms calls give him a good talking to Home in ev'g, all there except Kreischers, play Skat with Theo. Cassebeer and Ch. St. win 29 Cents

Jan'y 15th Thursday.

Lovely day. Lunch at U. Sq. with Ch. St. In evg at Steinway Krankenhaus Concert, Steins & C. Goepel there with Theodore at Astoria in afternoon