The Diary

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New York, Jan'y 16th 1880.

Jan'y 16th friday.

Fine day. Articles in Newspapers, interviews continue Business both wholesale & retail considerably relaxed. In eve'g at Toussaints sing Quartett with him & Wiebusch & Pagenstecher, whose wife is there also. Have quite a pleasant time. Had been down town during the afternoon, return by 2d Ave car & have my nails attended to by Dr. Westervelt.

Jan 17th sat.

Fine day. Lunch at U. Sq. Hotel, Commence fixing prices for Wareroom & Loanstock, at 6 P.M. to Louise A. Cassebeer, Pastor Krüsi babtizes her youngest son. All the family present I feel slight Rheumatism in my right knee, pleasant gathering, home at 11½ PM

Jan 18th sunday.

Feel perfectly well, To store at 10 A.M. Moist, gloomy weather. Young Simonson waiting for C. F. Koch. Uptown afternoon & eve'g, supper at Tante Louisa's, play Skat at Theo. with Cassebeer Ch. St. + Dulcken, lose 29 Cents

Jan 19th Monday.

Beautiful warm day. Excessively busy with Koch transfers of Real Estate, Down town with Bdway cars, lunch at U. Sq. with C. St. Mrs. Pliny Freeman calls and has interview with me. After supper at Store, getting up Guardians annual account with Burkard.

Jan 20th Tuesday.

At County Clerks Office filing Guardians account, see Traynor Haidee Heller bond at Registers Office reading restrictions on 59th str