The Diary

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New York, March 10th 1880.

March 10th Wed.

Rheumatism diffused, over both Arms and Shoulders & somewhat better. Young Smith from Cinc. in town. Uptown at 12. Write letter to Com. that the lists are ready for inspection. Back to Store at 3-6 P.M. Write letter to our men, stating that lists can be inspected, Com. of three calls on Theo. who is at my house in eve'g. we send our letter to Staatsztg u. Volksztg to be published. Play Skat with Theo. & Chas. St. win 42 Cts

March 11th Thursd.

Heavy Snowstorm, bad attack of Rheumatism in left shoulder, spend eve'g & afternoon home, dictating letters to Sigel. Our men have gone in swarms all day to factory to look at the prices, but do not arrive at any conclusion as to acceptance Rub Shoulders & back with new lotion

March 12th friday.

Drive to Store, lots of Reporters yesterday and today, have lunch sent  from U. Sq. Hotel at 2 P.M. Theo. calls, at 3 P.M. with Ch. St. to the U. Sq. Hotel, Piano Manuf. Meeting, after an excited debate, in which the wisdom of our action is questioned it is unanimously voted to lockout on monday unless Steinways men return to work by 4 PM saturday. In eve'g interviewed by pressmen, Theo. calls, I write article for Staatszeitung, retire at 10 PM

March 13th sat.

Exciting day, Gabler, Weber & Hale call, lots of pressmen. In eve'g, Papa Kreischers birthday is celebrated at my house, Heim having furnished eatables & drinkables, the Steinway & Kreischer family being assembled. Very jolly. Theo. + I speech, I go to bed at 1 AM, party over at 2 AM
