The Diary

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New York, March 28th 1880.

March 28th sunday.

Rheumatism better, to store at 9½ AM. briefly inform Holwede of Theo. & I intending to have our own business in Hamburg & him as manager at which he is very much rejoiced. The parade of the pianomakers has been abandoned, and only our men will march from Turtle Bay to our factory tomorrow. Spend eve'g at Theo's house, after dining at L. A. St house Play Skat with Cassebeer, Theo & Ch. St. win 1 Ct

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March 29th Monday.

Rainy day, Sommer telephones at 10 A.M. that our men are approaching the factory, the band playing Hail Columbia. At U. Sq. Hotel with Ch. St. Steinert from New Haven calls, orders 10 pianos. Theo. made speech to the men at the factory, they give him three cheers, he sends them $50. they spend balance of the Easterday at Turtle Bay Brewery. I spend eveg. home, retiring at 9 PM

March 30th Tuesday.

Cold clear day, Vandyke reference postponed, papers all report final scene from factory, mentiong the $50. for beer. Call at Bk for Savings in Bleecker str. concerning Mtge on No. 107 E. 14th str. Lunch at U. Sq. Hotel with Ch. St. & Blasius & his son Oscar who also remain overnight at my house. I go to Turnhalle with L.K. we sing a couple of songs, and after buying lottery tickets of various girls, I depart from the fair at 10 PM.

March 31st Wed.

Cold clear day. At Bk of Metr. where they have discovered forgeries of $40.000. Justus H. Schwab calls for piano for their concert, which I give him. Louis Dürr died. Theo. arranges with keymakers at Astoria, Schwarz as foreman. family at my house in ev'g. Play Skat win 20 Cents.