The Diary

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New York, April 26th 1880.

April 26th Monday.

Rainy weather, lunch with H. + C. St. at U. Sq. Hotel take Turkishbath, Theo. with me in eve'g he received letter from R. Ranft, which will perhaps cause my trip to Europe with George. Retire at 10 PM

April 27th Tuesday.

beautiful day. At 11½ A.M. down town with Bdway cars, dine at Rommelsbachers, to Cotterill, Vandyke reference closed for today, because the receipts were not there, I not knowing anything of the notice to produce Fr. Steins & wife take supper with us, I take Mrs. Steins to Germania Assembly Rooms, poor Concert, we then go with Fred Sts. to L.K. amuse ourselves til 11½ PM.

April 28th Wed.

L. W. Porter from Leominster comes. Spend forenoon with him & Theo. at Pattern Room, after lunch to Astoria. In eve'g whole family at my house, play Skat with Theo. & Ch. St. & Cassebeer, lose 40 Cts


April 29th Thursday.

Feel perfectly well. Meet Hogan, who tells me he is in trouble & borrows $200. Am up at Zieglers Auction very crowded. Look over the house with Judson, the new lessee. Lunch with Theo. at his house, he goes with Foss of the Fuller Patent Co. to Astoria. Fearful Rainstorm in eve'g, go to Toussaints, Steins not coming, we do not sing, home at 12 o'clock


April 30th friday.

Beautiful day. At 10 A.M. to Supreme Court Dr. Ferchland trial takes place before Judge Beach I am on the stand. Jury brings in Verdict in our favor for full amount claimed, lunch with Cotterill at Rathskeller, then to his office, look over Vandyke exhibits, then to store via 2d Ave. In eve'g look over three patents with Theo, spend eveg at L. A. St. house, she, her children and Theo. are served with Citations as to my accounting