The Diary

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New York, May 20th 1880.

May 20th Thursday.

At noon down town by Bdway Cars dine with Klamroth at Schedlers, see Quimby Spend eve'g with Theo. & wife and L. A. St.

May 21st friday.

Very warm day. To Bk, see Lord & A. Schell, arrange version of Carll swindle business very dull. In ev'g at L. A. St. house play Skat, win 10 Cents

May 22d sat.

beautiful day. At Bk, full board, fix up version of Carll swindle, to be given to the press Monday or Tuesday. Lunch at Theos house. In afternoon, back to Store again, In eve'g, Fr. Steins stops at my house, we go to Koster & Bial Fr. Steinway also there

May 23d Sunday,

get up at 6 A.M. from Hunters Point at 8 15 AM by special train to Babylon 30 members of L.K. present, Henry Havemeyer receives us at the depot, in carriages to Steamboat Surf, sail across Bay to Havemeyers place enjoy ourselves splendidly, make speech, return by special train to City at 7 P.M. dine at L. A. St. house, spend eve'g at Theo, Skat with Ch + Th. St + Cassebeer lose 65 Cts. Home at 11½ PM

May 24th Monday.

Fine but warm day, 80 degrees. At factory at noon, Lane from Leominster, we tell him to go on with the 3 story building, business is almost at a standstill, After lunch, see Jas. W. Simonton, give him Carll matter for publications, see Haas about my passage to Europe, back by 2d Ave. R.R. to store. At 6 P.M. with Steins + Tretbar to High Bridge, Mrs. Schedler, sing, home at 2½ AM.
