The Diary

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New York, Sunday May 30th 1880.

May 30th Sunday.

The welcome Rainstorm has at last set in. To store at 9½ A.M. Learn that there was a slight row on board of Genl Sedgewick returning from Sandy Hook. Sleep in afternoon. After supper to H. A. Cassebeer, play Skat with him & Chas St. lose 46 Cts

May 31st Monday,

Decoration Day, At store in forenoon Weather beautiful, With George + Paula, Mrs. Kleber & Daughter to U. Sq. Hotel, take fine lunch there, to foot of Leroy street Steamer Sylvester to Iron Pier, Coney Island, meet Chas. Goepel & Ruckgaber with families. We then drive to Brighton by R.R. to Manhattan Beach, take supper there home at 7.20 P.M. via Greenpoint, having amused ourselves splendidly

June 1st Tuesday.

Rain Showers in afternoon, Vandyke reference postponed, but lunch with Hall and Cotterill & take over Vandyke case, down with 2d Ave. R.R. Hale is having some trouble with his strikers, they having assaulted some of his men, Fr. Steins supper with us, to L.K. with him afterwards.

Jund 2d Wed.

Beautiful cool day. Frank Conover in town, lunch at U. Sq. with him. At factory with him. Home in ev'g writing nearly a dozen letters Retire at 11 PM

June 3d Thursday.

Beautiful cool day. with Harris at factory looking over Theo. St. orders in relation to bending Rims for Grands, lunch at U. Sq. Hotel down town with Bdway cars. At L.K. in eve'g, tell members of Board of Trustees about Thomas as Candidate for Director, also Vorstand about 7th Regt Armory. Baumgarten tells me about Cabinetmakers strike.