The Diary

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New York, December 18th 1880.

Decbr 18th Sat.

lunch at U. Sq. Hotel. At 2 P.M. in Carriage from 89th str. L. Road station to Astoria. Investigate trouble between Henry St. & Luther, reprimand both Home in eve'g, corrected printed matter of illustrated catalogue

Decbr 19th Sunday.

Fine day. John Lavine calls tells me all his plans +c. will resign as tuning clerk from Jan 1/81. At 2½ P.M. drive out with wife & George through Central Park & back, past our 59th str. lots. Cassebeers, the boys eat supper with us, play Skat with Henry Cassebeer, R. Ranft jr. and Chas. St. win 31 Cents

Decbr 20th Monday.

Walk to Store, lunch at U. Sq. Hotel, write letter in eveg, which Harry Low takes to P.O. to go by Steamer Arizona early tomorrow


Decbr 21st Tuesd.

Snowstorm, walk to Store, drive to Coleman Tax Office, A. Rost, Cotterill (not in) and Fuller, tell the latter to discontinue suit against old Weber. Lunch at U. Sq. Hotel. Fuller writes, that suit has been discontinued against Weber & consent entered Wife to Joseffy Concert Steinway Hall. I write letters

Decbr 22d Wed.

beautiful day, walk to store, lunch at U. Sq. Hotel Weber has one of our ebonized grands, showing off Whitewood top. Kraemer hands our Reissued Patent of Dec 30/79 to Salesman Mayer for perusal. The Wash. Life Ins. Co. offer to pay or discount Theo & Henry T. W. Steinways Life Ins. Policies. In eveg walk with Wife to Germania Theatre, see Rattenfänger wife points out Dingling to me pay off last loan at the Pacific Bank $25,000,