The Diary

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New York, Jan'y 12th 1881.

Jan'y 12th Wed.

Lovely day, to Store with Blasius, busy all day, Young Dunham calls, lunch at U. Sq. Hotel, in eve'g home, writing to Theodor, take small pill of Dr. Lozier


Jan 13th Thursday.

Lovely day. Lunch with George Lyon of Chicago at U. Sq. Hotel. Henry Ziegler & Addie Vogel evidently in love with each other. At L.K. in eve'g, at Mask Session, Henry Havemeyer speaks to me about going in to the Blackwells Isl. Bridge Home at 11 PM, Had nails on feet trimmed in afternoon __


Jan 14th friday.

fog slush & snow, through which I walk to Store. Volkszeitung says that Weber deducted the last 10 pr. Ct. last Saturday. Henry Havemeyer calls on me. lunch at U. Sq. Hotel. Business remarkably good, sold 9 Pianos at Retail today, Tretbars room is being painted and fixed up. In eveg, wife, I, Bam and Mrs. Evers to Koster & Bial, hear young Dengremont play violin superbly. We afterwards sit at table, when Henry Cassebeer & wife, Fr. St. and Henry Ziegler & Addie Vogel sit with us, I treat Champagne & Seltzer, home with car, I slip and fall at cor. Lex Ave & 23d str. but am not in the least hurt

Jan 15th sat.

H. Ziegler tells me that he proposed to Addie and was accepted, writes to his parents. I feel a little stiffer in my right knee, took a slight cold last night. By 6th Ave. L. road to Norwood & Coggeshall Office No 32 Park place, and deliver deed to Wm. H. Guion of J. Zieglers house, 762 Madison Ave. receive $9000. for him, am glad that Ziegler is rid of this elephant. Am home in eveg fixing up Ziegler & Carl Wilhelms matter retire at 10 PM