The Diary

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New York, Jan'y 16th 1881.

Jan 16th Sunday.

Home in forenoon, knee still stiff. Complete Census of our manufacturing since 1853. After dinner I drive to Dr. DeKraft 33 W. 42d str. arrange to commence tomorrow taking galvanic baths. Then drive to Louisa A. Steinway, take our family picture to her. In eve'g. drive with wife, Lizzie Cassebeer and Addie Vogel to L.K. Geselliger Abend, it is a glorious affair, Joseffy, Fischer, Miß Schelle, Freygang, and young Dengremont, also, Graff & his Quartett assisting. Drive home at 12 o'clock. In forenoon wife .. . .. .._ . .. ... . ...

Jan 17. Monday.

Feel pretty stiff in right knee and drive to the Store, Charles Steinway suffered with piles and is not at store today. Lunch at U. Sq. Hotel. At 4 P.M. drive to Dr. DeKraft, pay him by check $36. take the first galvanic bath, which seems to do me good. Home in ev'g while wife is at Louise Cassebeers Tin Wedding

Jan 18. Tuesday.

Webers men all on strike, am interviewed by Newspaper reporters. Drive to store, finding knee somewhat stiff Send for lunch. At 3½ P.M. to Dr. DeKraft, take my second bath, remain home in evening

Jan 19. Wed.

Knee & seat bone affected, have to walk between two sticks, drive to Store. Strike in full blast at Webers At 4 P.M. take my third bath, feel my back and right knee affected. Retire at 9½ PM

sell the two 57th str. lots for $5.000

Jan 20. Thursday.

Can barely walk, put two porous plasters on my back, which is badly affected Drive to Store in afternoon to DeKraft, take my 4th bath which seems to make we worse, can barely walk up stairs in my house in eveg. DeKraft having placed me on a stool over the bath & I caught cold