The Diary

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New York, Jan'y 29th 1881.

Jan 29. Sat.

Perspired last eveg, Slept finely and feel well walk a little easier bet. two canes, knees nearly well, only the feet affected. Dr. Z. does not call wife with Mrs. L. A. St to Geistinger Matinèe

Jan 30 Sunday.

Slept finely, Dr. Zins. calls, swelling in feet gone. Have taken no medicine since sunday and Dr. Z. does not give me any. R. Ranft jr. takes dinner with us to which I walk down to the dining room

Jan 31st Monday.

Drive to office at 9 A.M. & remain there til 5½ P.M. Send for dinner to U. Sq. Hotel & eat roast beef Dr. Z. calls, again no medicine of any kind. Retire at 9½ P.M. Sleep finely. Arrange with Tretbar, $5000 pr. An

Febr. 1st Tuesday.

Snowstorm, but I drive to Store at 9 AM and can walk better. Give letter to Miß Grunow to introduce her at Bank of the Metropolis. Send for lunch--roast beef to U. Sq. Hotel. Fitch sends me check $2339. for final Settlement of J. Zieglers judgement against Bergholtz, net proceeds of $2500. Drive home at 5½ PM, Fritz Steins at supper with us. A. Sommer child died yesterday
Dr. Zinsser vaccinates wife, Geo. Paula a several servants

Febr 2d Wed.

Clear cold day, feel well but still walk betweeb two sticks Dr. Zinsser calls on me, will use no Medicine this week. Stetson sick yesterday, lungs bleed. Eat lamb & peas from U. Sq. Hotel Home in eve'g, retire at 9½ P.M. sleep splendidly.

LP +

Febr 3d Thursd.

Cold sunny day. Continue to improve without medicine & can walk slowly without sticks, wearing wadded stockings in bed again eat roastbeef & Parsnips fr. U. Sq. Hotel. Home in eve'g, wife & Mrs. Evers see "Krieg im Frieden" at Germania Theatre

Febr. 4. frid.

clear & cold. Slight improvement, Dr. Z. who did not call yesterday, tells me to use Salicylic Pills again. At supper with wife to Odermanns, Papa Kreischer, Louise A. St. Rieke Kreischer & Mr. Plock being there. Home at 11 P.M. Take 3 Salicylic Pills in eveg