The Diary

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New York, March 6th 1881.

March 6th Sunday.

Remain home all day and feel excellent drink some Buffalo Lithia Water. Retire at 9½ P.M. In afternoon wife to Cassebeers. Alexander calls in forenoon


Mar 7th Monday.

Chas. E. Wendt calls, Brooklyn Bridge Trusteeship offered to me and declined, A. Nicholson calls, wants to go to Europe, home in eve'g, perspire heavily all night

Mar 8th Tuesd.

Busily engaged in writing facts for "graduating pedal" Greener contesting same being threatened by Minrath, young lawyer who called saturday night; lunch at U. Sq. Hotel & walk in the Sun, drive to L.K. and attend build. Com. Home at 11.15. PM

March 9th Wed.

Rainstorm but feel easier than yesterday, took 20 drops of Dr. Lallemands gout remedy last night, & three times today Business pretty good, orders coming in more plentifully Home in ev'g, Bam & Mrs. Evers to "Don Giovanni" wife .. . .. .._ . .. ... . ...

March 10th Thursd.

feel much lighter in feet and knees but my right collar bone hurts me pretty badly. Lunch at U. Sq. Hotel, drive down town to R. E. broker Camman about Porter property Lex. Ave. & 37th str for Liederkranz, and Chas. E. Strong, paying $8.000. to release Mtge of 106 E. 52d str In eve'g nice supper party at my house, present Rummel, Miß Morse, Ch. St. Lizzie Cassebeer, R. Ranft jr. Louise A. St. Riekchen Kreischer, Odermann Tretbar, I make a speech in english, afterwards Rummel & Liz. Cassebeer play. Retire at 12 P.M. take 6 Salicylic pills, still have it in collarbone, right side

March 11. frid.

fine day. lunch at U. Sq. Hotel. Attend Public Rehearsal, Joseffy plays Schumann Concerto heavenly, home in eve'g, write to Theodor in full. Legs are improving, also collarbone
