The Diary

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New York, March 17th 1881.

Mar 17.

St. Patricks day, fine weather, by L. road to City Hall, lunch at Kosmaks, to Bellesheim, satisfaction piece not coming, we put all papers in escrow til tomorrow I also drive to John N. Whiting 61 Wall street, about plot of ground on 58th street for Liederkranz, home by 4th Ave. car by 4 P.M. Capt Bussius calls. Walk home, play 66 with wife in eve'g, win every game

Lp +

March 18th friday.

Rainy morning, walk & by 4th Ave. car to store. Feel excellent & walk quite fast now, at 1130 A.M. by 4th Ave. Car to Jos. Bellesheim, having recd satisfaction piece of Bellmann Mortgage, and close sale to Peter Stephan and take $7600. in Cash. Visit Goepel, then Ottendorfers, he and she looking very bad & grieved, I then take lunch with Mayne, Mack & Windwart at Kosmaks, back to Store by 4th Ave. Car. write to Theo. St. in eve'g

March 19th sat.

Walk to store. Gablers strike continues, and trouble among the beer brewers, lunch at U. Sq. Hotel, it rains in torrents all day. Dr. Westervelt fixes my toe nails. In eve'g with wife to Maskenkränzchen L.K. amuse ourselves very well, home at 3½ AM

March 20th Sund.

Home all day. Play Skat in eve'g with Chas. St. RR.jr. H. A. Cassebeer, lose 11 Cents

March 21st Monday.

Very busy. At factory in afternoon, after looking at lots on 58th str. proposed to be purchased by L.K. & walking to factory with wife. Examine Upr. O for Frankfurt, with new Abbindeleiste & regulated plate. At "Cameliendame" Geistinger splendid performance at Thalia Theatre with wife
George begins riding lessons

March 22d Tuesd.

Walk to Store, general improvement in my walking with Rummel to German Club, birthday of German Emperor Quartett singing, Rummel plays, amuse ourselves splendidly home at 12 oclock