The Diary

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New York, July 24th 1881.

July 24th Sunday.

Beautiful day at Astoria, H. A. Cassebeer jr. there we play Skat in afternoon & eve'g, come out even. Flörsheim and Lemcke visit us, wife and daughter drive out. Open bath temporarily to use of our men. Take fine swimbath at our dock. Lovely day. Unfavorable News from Prs. Garfield


July 25th Monday.

Very warm day, large batch of foreign letters to me one from Mrs. Rummel, London. Finally succeed in selling to F. G. Smith our Leominster Real and personal estate for $9000. also granting immunity against patent suit under Reissue No. 9012. The President better though still in great danger. To Astoria via 23d str. Take a sail with wife, George in Ficketts boat, the latter sailing Young Field, nephew of Rikers, calls in the eve'g


July 26th Tuesday.

George Ehret reported to be run over last eve'g and mortally injured. To town by L road. Lunch with RdRt & young Genstorp of Dresden at U. Sq. Hotel. At 5 P.M. to 58th str. look at L.K. lots, Quinlan has Machine and piles on the ground. Am at L.K. in eve'g, preside at Build. Com. and L.K. Little gathering afterwards


July 27th Wed.

Slept splendidly. Great Picnic of the pianomakers at Wendels Elm Park. Furnished them fine badges $50. for Music $50. to take Astoria men to 96th str. N.R. Beautiful weather To Astoria via 23d street. Swimbath with H. Z. & RdRt


July 28th Thursd.

Better news from the President. Frau Peschka-Leutner calls, sails pr. Herder today. Lunch at U. Sq. Hotel with RdRt. Weather pleasant. George Ehret said to be only slightly hurt. To Astoria via 23d str. Our bath is formally opened for females today, and quite a number of Women & children avail themselves of it. In evening write over the New York Shop rules and adapt them to the Astoria establishment