The Diary

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New York, Aug 26th 1881.

Aug 26th friday.

Lovely cool day. The President evidently dying my knee much better, lunch at U. Sq. with RdRt, Fred Steins and Erk To Astoria via 23d str. Fix up our new wholesale pricelist in eve'g, put more Lochwitz Balsam on left knee, which is gradually getting well
Death of Mrs. Gorres Savannah Ga.

Aug 27th sat.

fine day. lunch at U. Sq. Hotel with RdRt. President Garfield reported being choked by Pus running into his throat. To Astoria via 23d boat. See Jew Stern on L train AM and George Roos on 23d str. dock

Aug 28th Sunday.

President reported slightly better, am called upon by Williams, McBride and Thatcher tell me that Water department will take my gore cor of Winthrop Ave. and Cabinet str. at $3500. for water supply. We also talk over building of cottages. Rather warm + plenty Musqitoes


Aug 29th Monday.

To town via 3d Ave. L. road. President reported slightly better. Weather very warm. Henry St. & Henry A. Cassebeer, jr. from the 1000 Islands to the White Mountains. Lunch with Rd.Rt. at U. Sq. Hotel. At 4 P.M. by L. road to Peck Slip, with Rd.Rt. by Steamboat Florence to Flushing, all the way against a strong tide, wife meets us at landing, drive home

Aug 30th Tuesday.

President reported still improving. to town via L. road. Receive Emersons answer from Boston which seems to me to signify nothing. Young Hobein calls tells me everything is going well in spite of Luther, who acts very queer. Lunch with RdRt at U. Sq. Hotel. Sign L.K.bonds in afternoon. In eve'g at L.K. supper, preside at Build'g Com. & L.K. meeting, afterwards short session with Engel & Berger beer, home at 11½ PM

Aug 31st Wed.

Warm day. To store early. To Astoria via 23d str. boat, take fine swimbath. Sign contract for 6 Cottages with Wm. McBride, two on lots 55 & 56 Block 42 and four on lots 15, 16, 17, 18 on Block 35