The Diary

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New York, Thursday, Sept. 22d 1881.

Sept 22d Thursd.

Wife a little better, to town via 2d Ave. L. road My cold also somewhat better. Rd.Rt.sen having retd from Baltimore,lunches with me at U. Sq. Hotel. The wall of the latter rises several feet pr. day after months of inactivity, giving us a party wall. At 4.35 P.M. with RdRt sen & Hermann Schleicher from Hunters Point to College Point, walk over his fine place, at 7 P.M. sit down to table, being by Mrs. Schleicher, Hugo Funke and wife, have a splendid time, leave at 10 P.M home at 11 PM

Septbr. 23d friday.

George & Paula in town, meet Mrs. Henriette Robert with her little daughter, we all dine together at U. Sq. Hotel, including RdRt. They then drive to Lizzie Cassebeers house, George & Paula with her to 203 East 61st street, Mrs. Holleriths house. I feel very ill all day, have very loose Bowels, to Astoria via L. road. Retire early

Septbr. 24th sat.

To town via L. road, still have heavy cold Mrs. Louisa A. Steinway calls. Lunch lightly at U Sq Hotel with RdRt. It is excessively warm. My loose bowels are growing better. Business excellent, orders pouring in upon us at an immense rate. To Astoria via 23d street, play Skat with RdRt. sen + jr. & H. St. win 31 Cents

Septbr 25th Sunday.

Excessively warm all day. Mrs. Robert and little daughter (Jette Brunn) pass the day with us. Am quite well, Skat in eve'g, lose 81 Cts

Sept 26th Monday.

Garfields funeral. Day of prayer & fasting. Very hot. 84 degrees in my office where I work all day, lunch at U. Sq. Hotel. To Astoria via 23d str. drive over my Rapalye place Ziegler & C. Schmidt with his two older boys at Astoria. Very hot.
Death of Fred. Grote