The Diary

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New York, Novbr. 13th 1881.

Novbr 13th Sunday.

To store at 9 A.M. John Trageser + Son call, I give them advice as to forming a corporation. After dinner I run to L.K. new building 58th str. first tier of beams all laid. Walk to Ziegler, with H. Z. through factory, home by 4th Ave. car, play 66 with RRt jr. lose $1.20. Eddy Kreischer, wife & child on a visit to us


Novbr 14. Monday.

To Custom House, swear to Ziegler picture and Red wine from Hamburg invoices. Visit Consul Schuhmacher, take lunch with Klamroth at Koster & Bial. Home in eve'g, after getting beard trimmed take my 10th Mudbath

Flushing Ave. asst confirmed

Novbr 15th Tuesday.

My wifes 28th birthday. Cold clear weather heat house for first time this year. At Astoria in afternoon, foundations for large factory extension are being made, leave release with Mrs. Jac. P. Rapalye Home at 6 P.M. wife has many bouquets and flowers, one from me. C. Schmidt & wife, H. Ziegler + wife, H. A. Cassebeer, & RRt jr. spend eveg at my house, I am at L.K. preside building Com. Give Stone Contract to J. Gillies & Son for $11.300. Home at 12 o'clock

Novbr 16th Wed.

Cold clear day. Business very heavy, and we are short of almost every style of piano, except style O. Meeting of Flushing Ave. Com. at my office. Resolve to advertise for bids, and to get up Certificates. At Patti Concert for Mich. Sufferers at St. Hall Grand Success, Patti sings beautifully, a Man named George N. Sanders in speaking making a series of blunders in speaking. Mr. + Mrs. O. Lang there on my invitation, also Mr. + Mrs. D. S. Riker also their daughters