The Diary

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New York, Decbr 3d 1881.

Dec 3d sat.

Heavy cold. Lunch with Cotterill, who has just answered Woods points. Can walk quite well, though bridge of left foot is still affected. Home in evg, writing, George & Paula with Mrs. Evers to Park Theatre French Opera, RdRt jr. to St. Hall meets Ida & Laura Kleber there

Dec 4th Sunday.

Rain + fog. To store in forenoon, work til 1 P.M. Play 66 in eve'g with RdRt jr. lose 80 Cts, in eve'g draw out last receipts for Lilian Steinway, retire at 10 PM

" 5th Mond.

Clear fine day. Miß Annie Kessler calls, about her progress in singing lessons. Gimpel calls, offers $13000. apiece for houses 100 & 102 E. 52d street. I walk very lightly on my feet. Receive letter from Tax Collector Carl E. Klotz of Preston, Ont. that Taxes have been duly paid on the John Roos property there. Home in eve'g. RdRt calls in eve'g, after I have written, leaving for Boston at 10.30 P.M. we play 66. I win, but double or quit makes it even


Dec. 6th Tuesday.

Send off all documents to Lilian Steinway & Mrs. Oaks, care Küster & Co. Heidelberg. Am very busy. Mrs Hinsdale calls on me in relation to the L. Isl. City steam Motor on Steinway Ave. At L.K. in eve'g, very interesting, a private printed circular having been sent to the jewish members over 50 of them are there, but owing to the wise precaution everything passes off pleasantly, three jews being admitted, Gemütliche Kneiperei down stairs afterwards

Dec 7th Wed.

Violent rain storm. Hinsdale calls again, also J. C. Johnson P.M. at Astoria. Lunch with H + C. St. + Louisa A. Cassebeer at U. Sq. Hotel Am at Bridge Meeting in afternoon, give Dr. Rainey who wants instalment a piece of my mind. Mrs. Zielfelder called. Home in eveg play 66 with wife and daughter. Retire early.