The Diary

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New York, Decbr 24th 1881

Decbr. 24th sat. ~ continued

In afternoon to Dr. Westervelt, have toenails cut by his assistant.  Cotterill hands me papers in the Wilhelms bankcruptsy case by him approved.  baby again would not nurse in the forenoon & afternoon.  Nice "Bescheerung" in the front upstairs room where a little Christmas tree is lit up.  The servants + Mrs. Forman each get $10. extra from me besides their presents at which they are highly delighted.  Play 66 with RdRt jr. til 11½ P.M. win 40 Cts

Decbr 25th Sunday.

Splendid weather. At store in forenoon, work til 1 P.M. RdRt to dinner, in afternoon George (who still coughs) walks to Central Park & back, at 4½ P.M. Paula & I drive to L.K. building, meet Wendt & Wohlers there, climb up, find walls over the lower series of windows in large Hall & gallery girders in position. Visit Zieglers. At 6 P.M. to dinner with L. A. Steinway Adermans & Papa Kreischer there. Pleasant eve'g, leave at 10 P.M. take Miß Grunow along & send her home with our carriage after arriving at my house. baby still refused to nurse. Had my hair cut in the forenoon

Decbr 26th Monday.

Lovely mild day. Orders & remittances coming. Carl Wilhelms at my office making out checks to the Creditors under his assignt + bankcr. proceedings, paying 15 Cts on the Dollar. Wife had no passage for a whole week, is highly delighted because baby did nurse splendidly during the night Finish description of patents for catalogue. Home in eve'g, play 66 with RdRt, win 30 Cts.

Decbr 27th Tuesd.

Rainstorm. telegram from Max Fricke, that his examination has passed successfully. H. Chs. + Fr. St. telegraph back "Herzliche Gratulation" Sommer sends his resignation on acc. of illness of his wife. My baby again nursed splendidly during the night. In ev'g at L.K. Buildg Com. Present afterwards at Phila. Delegation on their Sangerfest