The Diary

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New York, Jany 12th 1882.

Jan 12th contd --

new quite composedly. My wife is quite relieved. RdRt has returned from Boston, saw Geo. W. Carter, who personally desires to settle our suit against Emerson Co. We then play 66 lost 10 Cts

Jan 13th friday.

At 11 A.M. at Strong and Cadwalader, pay off the bal. $52000. of $60.000 loan to Estate of John Carter Brown. Lunch at Wiehls with Const. Schmidt and Fr. Steins. At 4 P.M. to Astoria, help execute the Flushing Ave. Impt Contract to John Phelan Home in eve'g and find the following cablegram from Theodor "Habe Larcher Nancy ersucht siegel legen juwelen securen ohne Vollmacht fuer Erben personlich unnütz Morgen mehr"
Write letters to Theodor, Papa Ranft and others

Jan'y 14th sat.

Splendid clear day, Freunds paper out again, nothing of note in it. Lunch at U. Sq. Hotel, consult Cotterill about death of Regina Roos at Nancy. Receive letters from Geo. Roos & Louis Ehrensberg. With Paula at Philh Concert, Joseffy plays Beethoven Piano Concert on Steinway Grand very finely, though not broad enough

Jany 15th Sunday.

To Store early, work, receive another cablegram from Theodor "Larcher antwortet competent authorites inventar grommen siegel angelegt wenig diamanten constatirt"
In afternoon drive with George & Paula past Wallacks the new Opera house 40th str. & Broadway, the L.K. building which is nearly up to roof, front up to 3d story Chas & Fritz St. for supper with us. Afterwards we play Skat. Fritz is doing well, I lose $120/100. Chs St. as usual being the winner. In afternoon, stopped also at Constantin Schmidts and Louisa A. Steinways house