The Diary

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New York, April 8th 1882.

April 8th sat.

Fine day. J. C. Freund through Flörsheim & King tries to see Tretbar, who refuses to see Freund at all. Obtain from Printer P. F. McBreen, printed case in Supreme Court, of the Universal Life Ins. Co. agst. Susan A. Vandyke--Hon. J. S. Bosworth, Referee, Decbr. 8th 1876. Judgment entered April 27th 1877. confirmed by Judge Donohue, June 18th 1877. In afternoon with Levi J. Wing  Wendt and Goepel as to the Ventilation apparatus for new Liederkranz building. At St. Hall in eve'g, hearing Romeo & Juliet, then with Theo. Fritz & Mrs. Lizzie Cassebeer to Lienau

April 9th Sunday.

Baby has been having Barley with his milk which seems to agree splendidly with him. He has lost his black hair, and getting a crop of blonde hair. Paula goes to Abendmahl with the other Confirmandees to Dr. Krüsis Church. Long consultation with Elwell relative to St. Hall - N. Y. Chorus Society. In afternoon Hesse-Wartegg & Minnie Hauk visit us, drive out with wife, George & Paula, to L.K. building meet Theodor, also to Opera House site. After supper at Zieglers, whole family assembled, play Skat with Theo. J. Ziegler, & H. Cassebeer, loose 76 Cents

April 10th Monday.

Snowstorm during the night. Letter from Bartholomeo asking for position at Astoria factory, after lunch see Mack let him look for leases to Vandyke +c. See Wingate & Cullen as to foreclosure agt L. I. C. Shore R.R. Buy Rubber goods of Williams Globe Wire Works Fulton street. Wife with Theo. to Minnie Hauk, Theo. takes supper with us, says that Mrs. Leila Rummel is enceinte. I remain home, write a number of letters, retire early


April 11th Tuesd.

Cold clear day. Mrs. Zielfelder calls, moved into my Cottage Theo. my Wife & George + Paula to "l'Africaine" in eve'g, present Minnie Hauck with basket of flowers. I at L.K. in eve'g, contract to Wing for ventilating apparatus. Meet family at Lienaus, home at 1 AM, At L.K. also award contract for plastering to James Thompson