The Diary

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New York, May 7th 1882.

May 7th Sunday.

Am at store in forenoon, to 1 P.M. Wife and all children out to Central Park, in afternoon to L.K. building, walk all over it with Unger, Wendt & Hensel, supper at Zieglers, all the family there, play Skat with J. Ziegler Henry A. Cassebeer & Chas. St. win 30 Cts


May 8th Monday.

Flush. Ave.Com. Meeting at my office. At 2 P.M. to Cotterill, Wilcox has Jury case, so our case does not come off. Postponed to Wed. 1½-2½ P.M. In eve'g in rain to St. Hall with family, listen to Italian Concert, Candidus & Campini at 9½ P.M. drive with Candidus, Fr. Steins, Carl Sontag, to "Geselliger Abend" Harmonie Club, have a splendid time make a speech. Home at 12½ AM

May 9th Tuesd.

bad Katzenjammer, stop at County Clerks Office, find that our papers in the Steinway-Oaks suit have been found. Then call on J. C. Levi, then lunch with Mayne Klamroth Von Keller & Grass, also meet Chas. Guidet, order suit of L. A. Grass.. Candidus leaves for Phila. on way to Cinc & Chicago. In eve'g to L.K. preside Buildg Com. then at Society meeting, election of Conductor after a long debate, opposed by Grünthal and Schmitz I rise to explain the whole situation, which is attentively listened to. The vote shows 92 in favor of Theodor Thomas with 15 against him, election made unanimous on motion of Grünthal. I then move that Paur be retained as assistant conductor with full present salary which is unanimously carried. Home at 12½ A.M. in torrents of rain.

May 10th Wed.

Telegraph to Theo. Thomas at Cincinnati. At 11½ A.M. to Grasse, change suit ordered, to Flannel, then lunch at Schedlers, Chambers street, walk to Cotterills Office, Vandyke trial goes on, Cotterill finishes my exam-