The Diary

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New York, May 10th 1882.

May 10th Wed. continued--

ination, take stage up Broadway, stop at Sachse's order 4 white & 4 colored shirts & collars + cuffs. Home in eve'g writing documents, George and Paula with Mrs. Evers to "Trovatore" Chas. Mapleson benefit

May 11th Thursd.

Rainy, very cold day, at Registers Office, have Mack certify deeds, see J. C. Levi, postpone closing of title to May 19th lunch with Klamroth Mayne, Von Keller & Grass at Koster & Bials. Take a walk at 7½ P.M. afterwards to Board of Trustee Meeting L.K. sign Bond to Bk of the Metropolis guaranteeing notes of Liederkranz for $20.000. After taking Oysters at Stills with Unger Nembach, Baumgarten + Ottmann home at 1 AM. Wife afraid she is "enciente" baby commences to "krakel" attempting to speak. Metzerott & wife called at my house.


May 12th friday.

Very cold & northerly rainstorm, have to heat up again A. M. Kessler calls again about appearing in public, as also M. Selvi. Lunch with Schmidt of Wagner & Levien, Mexico write last letter to Papa Ranft. Attend meeting of N. Y. Chorus Soc. at Steinway Hall, small attendance, preside am elected as one of the directors, spend half an hour with Ellwell, Seymour +c. at Mühlbachs. Home at 10 PM

May 13th Sat.

Still remarkably cold, and stormy rainy weather. Lunch with Eddy Kreischer at U. Sq. Hotel. Hand plans & specifications to J. Von Hünerbein of Cottage building for him as tenant. In ev'g with wife & daughter to Adam Webers house, musical childrens party. Wm. H. Williams comes in excitedly, has letter from Wm. McBride, latter has run away. I then walk to Arion Society where an ovation is being given to Capt. Schwensen. Am enthusiastically received, make two speeches during the evening amid vociferous applause. Meet Alex. Torges from Cincinnati. Home at 3 A.M. quite pleased.