The Diary

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New York, May 14th 1882.

May 14th Sunday.

bad Rainstorm, have no Katzenjammer at Store in forenoon. baby is charming and creates much merriment by his antics. Gave John Burt jr. $25. for his services in Wilhelms bankruptcy case on friday which is being terminated now. Whole family at my house for supper, except Louisa A. St. who is at St. Isl. this being the 5th anniversary of my brother Alberts death. Play Skat with Theo, Chas. St.. H. A. Cassebeer lose 71 Cents. Wife .. . .. .._ . .. ... . ... much relieved of anxiety

May 15th Monday.

Still cold piercing winds. Mrs. McBride, his brother Brodie, Burnett, Geo. H. Smith + Wm. McWilliams all flock to my office, all badly swindled & cheated. Lunch with Saml Nordheimer. In afternoon sign bond for Brodie claim & attachment of equity in McBrides Real estate. In eve'g at German Savings Bank home at 9 P.M. Theodor there. Am interviewed by three Newspaper reporters on McBride matter

May 16th Tuesd.

Beautiful day. Creditors of McBride flock in on the Newspaper reports. At 12 to Registers Office, see J. C. Levi, arrange with him the closing of 108 E. 52d at 11 A.M. Thursday next. At L.K. in ev'g, preside at Buildg. Com. propose John D. Elwell as L.K. Member, took good walk on 4th Ave. Signed order Biography & steel picture for myself + Theodor.

May 17th Wednesday.

Baby charming. Weather still remarkably cool Excessively busy, lunch with Fritz Heyne at U. Sq. Hotel McBride trouble continuously bothering me, go on Bond of Williams & Brodie each for $250. undertaking attachment. Have my nails cut by Dr. Westervelt on way home stop at Dr. Gunning, dentist, make arrangements for appointment for saturday 9½ A.M. Meet L. Heckermann in Irving Place. Home in eve'g, looking over my will, and writing recommendations for Annette Waldvogel and Teresa McAdam