The Diary

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New York, May 18th 1882.

May 18th Thursd.

Still remarkably cool for the season, close sale at Levi's office of 108. E. 52d str. receive $15.000. on acct run by L. Road to Schedlers, Hanover sq. lunch with Seitz and C. Schmidt, walk to Knauth, Nachod & Kühne, take letter of credit for 1000.000. francs, buy Mem. book at C. Schmidt stop at Cotterills, Wilcox out of time and his representative unable to arrange. Postponed for Monday at 2 P.M. when final arrangements will be made. At 5 P.M. Pastor B. Krüsi baptizes my youngest son "William Richard Steinway" myself godfather, and Richard Ranft, my father in law, represented by his son R.Rt. jr. the other godfather. baby causes much merriment by his antics. At 7 P.M. to Liederkranz Hall where we have a very nice dinner party, 21 persons, including Papa Kreischer and Riekchen, home at 12 o'clock. E. Zielfelder called

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May 19th friday.

Remarkably cold and chilly weather, lunch at U Sq Hotel, see Levi, arrange final closing up of Real Estate sale to Monday at 10 A.M. at Office of Mutual Life Ins. Co. then buy German Money 500 francs & 3000 Marks for $814.50/100 then to Oelrichs & Co. pay for my passage to + from Germany Paula, baby & two servants $868.33/100. Loan Wohlgemuth $150. In eve'g at St. Hall Warerooms meeting of directors of Chorus Society, 7 present, I take the Chair, Schurz Pres, I Vice Pres. afterwards Potter speaks to me, then I work at the Satisfaction pieces, Theodor comes from Hoboken, he H. St. & I together til 11 PM

New York. Sat.
May 20.

Lovely day, rise early, to store before 8 AM. Candidus is trying to cancel his contract with Phila. Sängerfest Dr. Gunning fixes my teeth, viz. cleans them, introduce L. Kämmerer to Bk. of the Metropolis, and leave L.K. Bond there (myself on it guaranteeing $20.000.) guaranteeing L.K. notes to the extent of $30.000. Constantin Schmidt & wife + children sail for Germany