The Diary

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New York, Decbr. 6th 1882.

Decbr 6th Wed.

Very warm day. letter from Fire Department relieving us of placing Iron shutters on our factory at which I am greatly rejoiced. With Martha and Paula to Gounods "Redemption" by N. Y. Chorus under Theo. Thomas direction at Steinway Hall finely performed, and on the whole, a fine work

Decbr. 7th Thursd.

Excessively busy all day, in eveg wife and Paula and Martha to Miß Movius Wedding. In afternoon our letters are served upon F. Hartung and Chas. Hagen I am at L.K. in eve'g, preside Vorstandssitzung Board of Trustee at Weinstube afterwards til 1 AM. Saw Pastor Krüsi at office

Decbr 8th friday.

Very cold, clear day. My baby Willie can crawl up stairs and says Papa and Mama. Get up Vollmacht for Alfred Roos, hear Joseffy play Brahms Concerto at Philharmonic, very finely done. In eve'g at L.K. let Adams preside at Vorstands meeting

Dec 9th sat.

Cold clear day. Mail to Theo. with steamer Elbe, old Passport of May 16th 1876. of Madame Reg. Roos, and my declaration and Vollmacht about Alfred Roos, certified by German Consul. Lillie Toussaint & Marie Rühl at lunch with us at noon. In eve'g Paula with Fred. St. to Philharmonic Concert, George & I to Liederkranz Commers. Between 9 & 10 P.M. the Arion marches in with candles, the Beethoven Männerchor, Schillerbund & Sängerrunde come in strong force I preside, make short telling speech of welcome, the 4 societies sing separately, the presidents make speeches, then declamations follow, I leave at 2 A.M. when over 300 persons are still present. It turned out quite finely, fully 700 persons participating. I had a brief personal explanation with Dr. Damrosch. George had gone home at 12½ A.M. I arrive home at 2½ AM
cable from Theodor "Sommer started Werra"