The Diary

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New York, Decbr 10th 1882.

Dec 10th Sunday.

Snow and Slush. To store at 10 A.M. Home afternoon and eve'g, RdRt jr. & his betrothed with us for supper in eve'g also young Kapp, Frida & Eddy Kreischer. The latter tells me that he had a conversation with George Roos, three weeks ago, also tells me about Madame R.R. at Julia Schmidts wedding. Retire at 10¾ PM


Decbr 11th Monday.

fog, slush + rain. business very good and money coming in freely. Have my toenails cut by Dr. Westervelt and walk from cor. 28th str. + Bdway home. In evg at Louise Cassebeers birthday, while George and the three ladies are at Opera, Barbier, Patti.

Decbr 12. Tuesd.

fine weather. Mrs. Zielfelder + Wohlgemuth call. Talked to nurse Bertha not to "klatsch" At L.K. in eve'g preside, study "Waldfräulein" Martha and George to Opera "Carmen" Wife has sore eyes, saw Dr. Mittendorf

Decbr 13. Wed.

fog & rain, wife has attack of egyptian Augenkrankheit. Theodore cables "Send Reginas Pass Consul gives Alfred paper" My daughter Paulas 16th birthday, give her $10. At Custom House swear to invoice of Candidus presents to Tretbar, Thomas and purchase of antique punch bowl to myself. Call on Foster & Thompson 52 Wall street, lawyers for Wash Life Ins. Comp. See them about release of nine lots of ground sold, from Mtge. See. Mr. England of the Sun about 123 East 52d street house, also get from him promise of sending me the reporter who was present at workmens meeting of Novbr 5/82. Wendells Assembly Rooms Home in eve'g writing, Paula has girls party

Decbr 14. Thursday.

fine clear day. Charles sick for the past two days. My steel portrait now is very fine. I send one to Theodore. At Bk of Metrop. Directors meeting at 4 P.M. Am at Joseffy Concert St. Hall with wife + Paula, also Wiebusch, Toussaint + ladies