The Diary

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New York, January 16th 1883.

Jan 16th Tuesd.

Snowstorm. The flags on our factory, at the Warerooms, Astoria factory at half mast and these notices in Staatszeitung & N. Y. Herald. Charles Steinway reported so sick that he must go south for a change of air. Touch in my foot all disappeared. I visit Chas. St. towards eve'g, find him in bed with "schleichendes" fever, all arrangements made for him to sail with H. A. Cassebeer sen. via Savannah steamer into the Mountains of Georgia. At L.K. in eveg., let Hoffmann preside, home at 11½ PM. Leopold Smith called at noon, about to start on a trip

Death notices pasted in Diary flags at half mast

Jan 17th Wed.

Gloomy day. Proposed for membership in L.K. George Vietor, Chas. R. Lexow and Dr. Hermann Baar Also talked over membership of other persons last night and fixed musical programme for Sunday Jan 28th of L.K.. Home in eve'g writing letters. Our card in Musical Courrier

funeral at Braunschweig to-day

Jan 18th Thursd.

Excessively busy, am at Superior Court in Grote case before Judge Freedman, but I cannot go upon the stand today. John C. Freund prints our article in his paper with silly comments thereon. Home in eve'g writing letters to Candidus and others


Jan 19th friday.

At Superior Court. Go on the stand and testify in the Bank vs. Grote case. Judge Freedman charges and directs the Jury to find a verdict for the defendants. Attend meeting of Central Com. at Arion Hall, on my motion resolved to cable 100.000 Marks to President of Reichstag Berlin. At L.K. in eve'g, let Hoffmann preside at Bd of Trustee Meeting and Vorstand. Settle contract with Theodore Thomas, viz draft of same, also draft of lease of old L.K. Hall