The Diary

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New York, March 2d 1883

March 2d friday.

Baby Willie is splendid, bright and healthy and learning to walk & talk, viz. attempting both. Home in eve'g writing a number of European letters

March 3d sat.

At 12 o'clock eat lunch at Lienaus, by 2d Ave.L. road to Astoria, meet Kessler & wife, also the carver Zimmer, I walk all the afternoon, converse with Sommer, Williams and Williamson, select sites for cottages, which I intend to build. Home at 6.15 P.M. At 9 P.M. with George and Martha Ranft to L.K. Maskenkränzchen which is very elegant. At 1.10. A.M. after taking a slight supper, arr. home with Martha. George remains a few hours longer

March 4th Sund.

Feel fine, both Chas. A. Welles and Florsheim and Blumenberg call on me at Store, getting points for articles. Maxwell states that balance sheet shows profits for 1882. of £3011.2. Write some more letters sunday afternoon. Hermann + Lilly Toussaint with us for supper. Play 66 with wife, win nearly all games


Mar 5th Mond.

My 48th birthday. Fine cold clear day. baby brings bouquet of flowers to my bed, and then will not give them up to me. Moxter note, St. Louis, comes back protested I telegraph him, answer comes that note is all right, meanwhile we stopped shipments and pianos en route. At 7 P.M. whole family, except Chas. St. and Addie Ziegler, assemble at my house. We are 20 in all and celebrate my birthday. Say a few words in commemoration of Johanne St. decd the whole affair passes off very nicely. Martha Ranft, Paula, Hettie and Lizzie Cassebeer play piano alternately Papa Kreischer, Aunt Louise, Riekchen Kreischer are also there. In after handed Burnett check for R.Rt. depot bought in by me