The Diary

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New York, May 2d 1883.

May 2d __

H. A. Cassebeer jr. Vice Pres. Chas. F. Tretbar, secr. & Treas. Geo. H. Smith Supt, I myself act as one of the Executive Committee. In eve'g with George, Paula, Martha + wife at 5th Ave. Theatre hear & see Langtry in "An unequal match"


May 3d Thursd.

Lovely day. P. J. Gleason & his lawyer Jesse Johnson call and offer to lease their roads to me. Miß Mary O. Allen & F. Wohlgemuth called yesterday, loan $25. In eve'g Chevalier de Kontski gave Concert at St. Hall but none of our was present, I being at Board of Trustee Meeting presiding. Oekonom Fuchs resigns. Home at 12 oclock

May 4th friday,

lovely day, baby Willie grows prettier daily and now can imitate almost every short word, and he runs around lively, calling each one by name. Vandyke trial in afternoon at Cotterills, am under cross examination by Wilcox, get along splendidly. Am home in eve'g writing. Wife has a cold. George with Mrs. Evers, Kröhnke and Toussaints at Juch Opera "Freischütz"


May 5th sat.

Gloomy weather. My wife thinks she feels faint indications of life. At 12 to Zieglers, eat lunch, with H. Z. in buggy to Astoria (Mrs. Abbie Patchin called yesterday afternoon in relation to Mrs. Savage.) Look at various houses now building for me, also through Sargent house + stable. See Sommer + Menzl then drive with George H. Smith through L. Is. City along the lines of Gleasons roads. Meet Gleason at Ferry, cross over at 34th str. to L.K. Hall. Gathering of the Veterans of the L.K. nearly 100 present. I preside, Mr. Ottendorfer sitting next to me. It passes off splendidly, we then adjourn to Weinkneipe, stay there til 2 AM Dienstag Kegelclub party in large Hall. Martha there, as also H. Cassebeer, H. Ziegler + wives, H. St. Fred St. take Martha home in Coupè, arriving near 3 AM