The Diary

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Astoria & New York, May 31st 1883.

May 31. Thursday.

Papers state dreadful accident on Bridge yesterday, 12 killed 37 wounded. Baberich's antics are too funny he takes toothbrush and pretends to clean his teeth like an adult. My whole family removes to Astoria at noon for the summer, I remain in town, work til nearly 8 P.M. supper at U. Sq. Hotel, take a walk up 4th Ave. + Lex. Ave.


June 1st friday.

Beautiful day, Cotterill calls in the morning Gartlan called yesterday and today. In afternoon at 4½ P.M. Meeting of St + H. Pt R.R. takes place, only our six directors resolve to buy 16 lots of St + S. and build stable & car depot, to Astoria via L. R.R. 2d Ave. My family on the other side, baberich splendid, calling "Hello Papa" In eveg at Flushing Ave. Impt Com. we decide to go on, notwithstanding the adverse decision of General term

June 2d sat.

lovely day. To town with whole family, except baberich + Geo Paula to Toussaints, lunch at U. S. Hotel with wife & Martha to Astoria via 2d Ave L. R. write in evg. Fritz Steinway also moves out today

June 3d Sunday.

Rain write to Lilian St. & to C. Lomlen in San Fr. In afternoon, Geo. H. Smith, Burnett, Williams & Williamson come to the Mansion, we make up bid for Broadway franchise at 5 Cents, I & Fr. St. execute bond and H. Ziegler signs bid. Play 66 in eve'g with wife, schneidering her 4 times in succession


June 4th Monday.

Geo. H. Smith delivers bid to City Clerk Moran to Minutes to 10 A.M. Two bids arriving 15 Minutes late are not accepted. Wife to town with me, we lunch at U. Sq. Hotel, and go out via Horse road by 2d Ave. open car in Afternoon saw Aunt Louis, Ella up and getting rapidly better, restore to A. Hobein his papers Mtge + Chattel Mtge

June 5th