The Diary

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Astoria + New York, Aug 4th 1883.

Aug 4th sat.

The lovely weather continuous for weeks past, keeps on, temperature at noon today 74 degrees. Josephine Brodmann calls, wants to buy my house on Steinway Avenue, play 66 with RdRt, keep two games ahead

Aug 5th sund.

beautiful day, our R.R. takes in $120. being heaviest receipts thus far on one day. In forenoon to factory, through village, two three hours on my feet, feel a little heavy in them afterwards. H. St. with us all day. Baberich lovely, likes Dick & his wife very much


Aug 6. Mond.

cool & beautiful, 75 degrees at noon. Sea baths are doing my better half a great deal of good. H. St. & Henry Cassebeer jr. start on a trip to the North West. Paula & Martha amuse themselves well at Pine Hill, N.Y. At Astoria in ev'g, amusing ourselves with baberich

Aug 7. Tuesd.

Lovely cool weather 73 degrees, Chas. Blasius in town Received our British Trademark "Steinway + Sons" today from Paul Goepel, Agt. Certificate is dated July 23/83. At L.K. in ev'g, take supper, preside at Meeting and at jubilee afterwards Home at 12 o'clock

Aug 8th Wed.

Lovely cool weather, 74 degrees, J. J. Kunstädter Patentee of Screw Driving and Steering Apparatus, calls with a letter of Intr. from Aug. Rummel. Lunch with M. Steinert and C. Blasius. Dun & Co. weekly sheet states Music & Drama Comp. Chattelmortgaged for $34.210. Tretbar runs down and finds it made to Albert Weber, also the Eagle Printing Co. $12.740. to Albert Weber. to Astoria at 5 PM baby splendid though very headstrong. Discharge Watchman Felter


Aug 9th Thursd.

Lovely weather. Tretbar tells there is trouble between Flörsheim + Blumenberg. To Astoria, take swimbath and slightly cut my right toe, bäberich looking at me swimming; sign contract for my ten cottages with George H. Williamson, drive up Broadway & Steinway Ave, bäberich delighted at Wilsons Windmill, saying "Müller Müller male" Wife feeling quite well.