The Diary

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Astoria & New York, August 15th 1883

Aug 15th Wed.

Have hair cut. Excessively busy all day. Fritz St. and George leave by dayboat for Catskill Mountains. At Astoria in eveg, much fun with bäberich, he my wife + I being left alone together at Astoria } down town see G. Schwab, Haas, Sun Mutual Ins. Co. Wingate & Cullen, lunch at Widmans, buy books of Const. Schmidt

Aug 16th Thursd.

Easterly rain storm last night and today. Only 68 degrees temperature, Postal card from H. Steinway dated Hancock, Mich, Lake Superior, where he arrived with Henry A. Cassebeer Aug 12th. At Astoria in eve'g, write til late. Geo. H. Smith called

Aug. 17. friday.

Lovely cool day, 75 degrees at noon. Professor Schradieck and Alice (Bechtel) his wife call and view St. Hall He is from Leipzig, new Concertmaster for the violin for Cinc. College of Music. A. M. Kessler calls says engaged by McCaul for Princess Methusalem. Telegram from Martha, Paula & Toussaint from Pine Hill, containing congratulations for our third anniversary of marriage. Slept splendidly. baberich hoarse

Aug 18. sat.

fine day 78 degrees at noon. Run down to Ottendorfer, meet Klamroth there, consult him about German Guests for North. Pac. R.R. on board of steamer "Elbe" then to Senator Coverts Office, Bennett building, meet Jas. M. Freeman there, look over his and my affidavit in the Gleason-Simmons matter Rail Road Steinway & Jackson Avenue. Lunch at Nassau str. formerly Schalks. baberich was still hoarse this morning, when I drove to City Hall, L. Isl. City, met Hünerbein and Bleckwenn, saw deputy Clerk Henry Van Alst, found, on examination of the "Owners of property Consent" to Gleasons road, of Decbr 6th 1881. dated November 21st 1881. that the signature "Steinway + Sons by William Steinway, Pres." made by me to James M. Freeman about end of September 1881 for a R.R. from Hunters Point Ferry through Jackson + St. Ave. to Bowery Bay, had been cut off and pasted on and to a heading, consenting to a R.R. from Bowery Bay through Jackson, Steinway Ave stopping in Jackson Ave. where crossed by Skillman Ave__