The Diary

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Astoria & New York, Aug 27th 1883.

Aug 27th Mond.

is commanded by Oscar Steins, followed by ecce quam bonum.  Prof. Gneist, Hoffmann, Herr von Schaus + Dr. von Holst speak and Carl Schurz, Ottendorfer, also Paul Lindau, make speeches.  Max Heinrich, Fr. + Oscar Steins, the L.K. sings, Reynold recites and the whole turns out a glorious success, there being an immense attendance, over one thousand persons.  Home with George at 1 1/4 A.M.  Henry St. & H.A. Cassebeer returned from the West this morning.  Lunched with Fr. St. Paula & Martha at U. Sq. Hotel.

Aug 28/83. Tuesd.

Lovely cool weather, 73 degrees. Papers all have excellent accounts, especially the "Times" Take swimbath at Astoria, Heavy storm sets in, write in eve'g

Aug 29th Wed.

Quite cold, Aquinox storm, but 68 degrees, baberich insists upon eating alone, but we force him to be fed, and he finally yields after screaming a great deal. At Astoria in eve'g, writing instructions to Chas. H. St. on Hamburg & London matters, Mrs. Zielfelder calls relating butcher Schmidt I go to Astoria via 4th Ave. + 34th str. up in Car from Hunters Pt.


Aug 30th Thursd.

Quite cool, 73 degrees, high tides and gales did much damage yesterday. Certificates of Indebtedness of Gray are now all arranged and agreed to by the 5 Creditors. I have a sore throat, and during the night at Astoria cannot breathe, my nose running and stopped up


Aug 1st frid.

Lovely day, 76 degrees at noon. Have an awful cold, sneeze & nose running. Patrick J. Gleason calls in forenoon, presenting two bills of $350 each, one against the St Ave. & Broadway R.R. & one against the Old Shore R.R. I take them to Genl Wingate in afternoon, met Toussaint & Carl Rose in the street. Dr. Musits gives me some powders for my cold. take supper at U. Sq. Hotel, work at store til 9 P.M. then walk home to my house Gram pl. and sleep fairly well