The Diary

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Astoria & New York, Septbr. 12th 1883.

Sept 12th Wed.

It rained last eveg & all night & continues during the day, at Astoria in eve'g, have much pleasure on the way by baberich antics and prattling. In evening at Meeting in Union Church at Steinway's, Trustees, all there except Henry W. T. Steinway, I offer to donate gas fixtures to Church which is accepted. I am reelected President


Sept 13th Thursd.

Howling Aquinox storm all night, go into Astoria factory with Gardner and order erection of large flagpole & Weather Vane thereon. Clearing up towards eve'g, see Jacob P. Rapalye who intends to move during October. Write in ev'g
Geo A. Steinway beginning work at factory

Sept 14 friday.

Fine day. New Cook Pauline Teske assumes her place Miß Garlich from St. Louis, comes with her mother, desires to play in Concerts, Baberich for a few days past can say very plainly and without interruption "Es geht ein Jude durch den Wald, der hat'nen großen Bart" as taught him by his nurse. -- Constitute Nahum Stetson Manager of the Warerooms. At 4 P.M. with Boscovitz to Astoria, drive him through the Village, he is delighted with the new cottage, we view depot which is nearing completion. He takes supper, + plays for us, proceeds by car 8 ¾ P.M. I write til 10 P.M.


Septbr 15th sat.

to town early, weather warmer, with John Van Glahn to new Opera house look it all over with Muller, Eidlitz's foreman In eve'g at Astoria, Mr. & Mrs. Danl S. Riker & their daughter and Miß Comstock spend eve'g with us, I sing a couple of songs amuse ourselves quite well. Hopkins calls on acct of Ravenswood property

Sep. 16th Sunday.

H. Cassebeer + family, Mr. + Mrs. Jacob Ziegler & H. Steinway visit us. I make tour through Village & new stable in forenoon In afternoon & eve'g prepare article on sale of No 50.000. to Baron Nathaniel de Rothschild of Vienna. We decide to move into town next Tuesday, in order to be on the safe side considering approaching confinement of my wife
